Idris wakes from his dream about Automated Invoice Processing and decides it’s time to stand on his own two feet. He will have to find his own way to the manual letter sorting area.

Which would be a lot easier if he knew which way to go. Idris waits until the coast is clear before he makes a run for it, straight towards…

… the coffee machine! Idris climbs right to the top and looks out across the mail centre until he spots the manual letter sorting area. Now he just has to get there…

One giant leap later and Idris is flying through the air towards the letter sorters! This might not be Mission Impostable after all…

View the next instalment of ‘The Adventures of Idris the InvoiceTM‘ – #8 IS THIS THE END? here.

Find out more information about the benefits of Automated Invoice Processing here or register to attend our next Automated Invoice Processing web demonstration here.